
Energy recovery in membrane technology (13.04.2022)

by Claus Mertes -
Picture of S003-2021_Water Intake Technology -Systems/Solutions/Components Picture of S004-M-2021_Teilnehmer Mini and Mikro RO Desalination Systems

Subject Description:


The energy consumption of desalination plants in general is very high and therefore energy is one of the biggest cost factor in desalination plants. How can such costs be reduced?

The key word is “Energy Recovery - Energy Saving”!

Energy Recovery is used in RO plants as well as in thermal plants. During the last years systems of energy recovery have been modernised. The latest developments include the use of new and alternative materials as well as new technologies of pumps, valves and steering components.

This seminar gives an overview about the today’s commercially available Energy Recovery Systems. The latest innovations will be presented, apt for various plant sizes.

Who should attend:

This seminar is primarily aimed at suppliers, consultants, engineers and investors. Also welcome are universities and staff of research centers and all those who want to acquire special know-how about high pressure pumps and Energy Recovery Systems.

Introduction to Water Desalination Technology - Markets - Environment

by Claus Mertes -
Picture of S003-2021_Water Intake Technology -Systems/Solutions/Components Picture of S004-M-2021_Teilnehmer Mini and Mikro RO Desalination Systems

This Seminar addresses mainly representatives of politics, business and science, who want to acquire elementary technical and economical information about this important and rapidly growing branch.

 In the framework of selected speeches internationally recognised experts will present an overview on the most relevant desalination technologies and their application. Furthermore they will present markets, potentials and trends in research and development.

Explanation of the registration methods

  1. Flyer: Fill in your personal and company details.
    Send this application form via Email to
    Alternative via fax to +49 (0) 2033064255.
    Your  next steps are:
    1.1. Accredit yourself on Desalination Academy
    (Link: ).
    1.2. Invoice: You will receive an invoice from us for the digital seminar.
    1.3. Transfer: You transfer the invoiced participation fee to our account.
    1.4. Confirmation and admission:  Upon receipt of payment, we will activate your access to the selected digital seminar
  1. PayPall:
    2.1 Get yourself accredited
    2.2 Select the cours.
    2.3 Pay with PayPal.
    2.4 Land on the course immediately.
    2.5 You will receive an invoice from us for the digital seminar.

Mini & Micro RO Desalination Systems (Digital Forum & Fair)

by Claus Mertes -
Picture of S003-2021_Water Intake Technology -Systems/Solutions/Components Picture of S004-M-2021_Teilnehmer Mini and Mikro RO Desalination Systems

The digital desalination trade fair and forum opens its doors for you.

With the participation of international companies such as Aqseptence, LGChem, Suez, Toray, Grundfos, Wilo, EnergyRecovery, Danfoss, Salinnova, FEDCO, Berghof, Lentech and many more, the international desalination industry meets digitally.

The exhibition center is already open for you. You can find the link there here (

Young start-ups like Streametric and universities from Germany and Brazil add fresh ideas. The fair is open for 12 hours, from 08:00 CEST to 20:00 CEST.

Embedded in the trade fair is the well-known Desalination Forum in 4 parallel rooms with a total of 36 live lectures of 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of Q&A. The 4 digital rooms open at 09:45 CEST and close at 16:00 CEST. All lectures will be recorded and will be available to registered participants afterwards.

The technical areas are covered:

1. RO System Suppliers

2. Raw water catchment

3. Pre-treatment

4. RO membranes

5. Pumps

6. Energy recovery

7. Brines and Environment

8. Operation and Maintenance

The geographical focus of the 4 lecture rooms is on:

1. Asia

2. Africa and Europe

3. Americas

4. Golbal

Here is an excerpt from the list of speakers and companies representing:

• Dr. Dirk Wittenberg – Senior Vice President Water Treatment WILO SE

• Boreal Light GmbH - Dr. Hamed Beheshti

• UNIHA Wasser Technologie GmbH - Dr. Paul Schausberger

• EDS Sustenergy – Rodrigo Cerqueira – Brazil

• Aqseptence Group GmbH, Janine Witt - Manager of the Aqseptence Academy Water Processing Solutions

• H. Anger’s Söhne Bohr- und Brunnenbauges. MbH, Mirco Huber - Betriebsleiter Horizontalbrunnenbau

• LGChem – LG NanoH2O - Alvaro Lagartos – Senior Applications Engineer / Water Solutions Business

• Suez – Dr. Jens Lipnitzki - Director Commercial Pure Water EMEA

• Toray Membrane Europe AG - Dr.-Ing. Felix Barquero – Technical services & RO Product Manager

• Grundfos – Katrina Zlobich - Head of Global Service Sales Development

• energy recovery (ERI) – Erik Tynes, Director for Business & Application Development

• Danfoss - Javier Lorenzo – Technical Sales Manager - Sustainable and energy efficient solutions for retrofits in SWRO

• Salinnova - Torsten Schottler - Salinnova Trading Partner ASEAN

• FEDCO - Fluid Equipment Development Company – Giancarlo Barassi – Business Development – USA

• Streametric - Alexander Ubl – CEO

• LGChem – LG NanoH2O - Raúl Santos – Senior Technical Service Engineer

• Berghof Membrane Technology GmbH – Oriol Jiménez Sabé – Spain

• Lenntech NL - Christos Charisiadis Innovation & Business Development

• Desalination Institute DME, Claus Mertes, Head of Institute

• Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) - Prof. Tobias Blenninger – Brazil - Department of Environmental Engineering (DEA) - Brine disposal and the environment

We are very proud of the large number of internationally renowned speakers and thank you very much for their willingness to speak at the digital Desalination Forum.

If you are still interested in taking part in this event, this is still possible as follows

1. Register personally at the Desalination Academy (

2. Select the event “Micro & Mini RO Desalination Systems - Forum & Fair (S004-M-2021)”.

3. Authorize your payment of 50 euros with the payment service provider PayPal

4. Enter the event “Micro & Mini RO Desalination Systems - Forum & Fair (S004-M-2021)” digitally and discover the documents and training rooms available.

Within the Desalination Academy you can contact us directly at any time via the digital video conference office.

With this event we would like to give the very large number of very small systems a place on the international stage.

We look forward to a large number of participants.

Available courses

Online- Seminar
Again in 2023 Desalination Institute DME repeats its seminar   Introduction to Water Desalination  Technology - Markets - Environment  as a Digital event.

This Seminar addresses mainly representatives of politics, business and science, who want to acquire elementary technical and economical information about this important and rapidly growing branch.
 In the framework of selected speeches internationally recognised experts will present an overview on the most relevant desalination technologies and their application. Furthermore they will present markets, potentials and trends in research and development.


 ab 08:30                        Registration
09:00 - 09:15 (15 Min)   Welcome adress
09:15 - 10:15 (60 Min)   Markets
10:15  - 11:10 (55 Min)  Desalination Technology in Brief
11:10 - 11:25 (15 Min)   Coffee Break
11:25 - 13:00 (90 Min)   - Phase Stable Desalination Technology
                                     - Membranes (UF, NF, RO)
                                     - Ion exchange
13:00  - 14:00 (60 Min)  Lunch Break
14:00  - 15:30 (90 Min)  Phase changing desalination technology  MED - MEH - MD
15:30 - 16:15  (45 Min) Desalination Technology in practice
16:15 - 16:30 (15 Min)  Coffee Break
16:30 - 17:45  (45 Min) Cost Aspects
17:45 - 18:00 (45 Min)  Raw Materials and environment aspects

Only Free Entrance to Fair Ground - Water Intake Technology - Systems / Solutions / Components - 16.11.2021

Here NO Entrance to Seminars an lectures of Water Intake Technology - Systems / Solutions / Components - 16.11.2021

To Enter Seminar and lectures please go here. You need to pay 50 Euros via PayPal to enter till 16.11.2021.

Desalination Plants with a capacity of 100.000 m³/day provide the population with drinking water via central networks. Plants with capacities of some 500 litres to some10.000 m³/day secure the supply at decentralized sites without being connected to public supply mains. Many hotels and also local industry are heavily based on such systems. The forum is concentrated on Mini & Mikro desalination systems. The simple and robust handling of such plants will be the key subject. Most often energy consumption of small systems is not monitored. The forum will have a close look at this area. Availability is the key in this business. Ordering tankers with water is always an expensive and unexpected situation.

Digital Wall Programm at IFAT 2022 with LED wall and Head Set


Umfassende Wasserfassung und -aufbereitung, Lösungen für die Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie Abwasser und Rohstoffgewinnung, Analytik und weitere Anwendungsbereiche sind zentrale Themen der Entsalzungsindustrie in Deutschland und weltweit. Die IFAT 2022 findet nun nach einer erzwungenen Pause wieder vom vom 30. Mai bis 03. Juni 2022 statt. Das Desalination Forum wird im Rahmen der Messe am 31.Mai in der Zeit von 14:00 Uhr bis 15:00 Uhr statt.

Durch die in der Zwangspause entwickelten neuen Lösungen sind sind erhebliche Entwicklungsschübe und innovative Lösungen für Aussteller und Besucher zu erwarten.

Die Wirtschaft Deutschlands gehört zu den stärksten auf dem europäischen Kontinent.
Die Vielzahl der Lieferanten von Komponenten.- und Systemlieferanten nutzen die IFAT und den Austragungsort in der Messe München als zentralen Treffpunkt.

Die IFAT baut ihr Portfolio im Zukunftsmärkten wie Afrika, Indien und dem Westasien bereits seit einigen Jahren im Bereich Meerwasserentsalzung aus. Die strategische Kooperation zwischen der IFAT und dem Desaliantion Institut ist seit vielen Jahren etabliert und wichtig. MIt dem Desalination Forum hat die Industrie und Forschung rund um die Wasserentsalzung einen Konzentrationspunkt für den gezielten Austausch. Die IFAT in München vor Ort ermöglichen internationalen Ausstellern den Zugang zu starken Lieferanten, Herstellern und Märkten.


Comprehensive water collection and treatment, solutions for the food and beverage industry, wastewater and raw material extraction, analytics and other areas of application are central themes of the desalination industry in Germany and worldwide. After an enforced break, IFAT 2022 will now take place again from 30 May to 3 June 2022. The Desalination Forum will be held as part of the fair on 31 May from 14:00 to 15:00.

The new solutions developed during the compulsory break are expected to provide a significant boost to development and innovative solutions for exhibitors and visitors.

Germany's economy is one of the strongest on the European continent.
The large number of component and system suppliers use IFAT and the venue at Messe München as a central meeting point.

IFAT has been expanding its portfolio in future markets such as Africa, India and West Asia in the field of seawater desalination for several years. The strategic cooperation between IFAT and the Desaliantion Institute has been established and important for many years. With the Desalination Forum, industry and research in the field of water desalination have a focal point for targeted exchange. IFAT in Munich gives international exhibitors access to strong suppliers, manufacturers and markets.


La captación y el tratamiento integral del agua, las soluciones para la industria alimentaria y de bebidas, la extracción de aguas residuales y materias primas, la analítica y otros ámbitos de aplicación son temas centrales de la industria de la desalinización en Alemania y en todo el mundo. Tras una pausa forzada, la IFAT 2022 volverá a celebrarse del 30 de mayo al 3 de junio de 2022. El Foro de Desalinización se celebrará en el marco de la feria el 31 de mayo de 14:00 a 15:00 horas.

Se espera que las nuevas soluciones desarrolladas durante la pausa obligatoria den un impulso considerable al desarrollo y a las soluciones innovadoras para los expositores y los visitantes.

La economía alemana es una de las más fuertes del continente europeo.
El gran número de proveedores de componentes y sistemas utiliza la IFAT y el recinto de la Messe München como punto de encuentro central.

IFAT lleva varios años ampliando su cartera en el campo de la desalinización de agua de mar en mercados de futuro como África, India y Asia Occidental. La cooperación estratégica entre el IFAT y el Instituto de Desalinización está establecida y es importante desde hace muchos años. Con el Foro de la Desalinización, la industria y la investigación en el campo de la desalinización del agua disponen de un punto de encuentro para el intercambio dirigido. La IFAT de Múnich permite a los expositores internacionales acceder a proveedores, fabricantes y mercados fuertes.


Le captage et le traitement complets de l'eau, les solutions pour l'industrie alimentaire et des boissons, l'extraction des eaux usées et des matières premières, l'analyse et d'autres domaines d'application sont des thèmes centraux de l'industrie du dessalement en Allemagne et dans le monde. Après une pause forcée, l'IFAT 2022 se tiendra à nouveau du 30 mai au 3 juin 2022. Le Desalination Forum aura lieu dans le cadre du salon le 31 mai de 14h00 à 15h00.

Grâce aux nouvelles solutions développées pendant la pause forcée, les exposants et les visiteurs peuvent s'attendre à des développements importants et à des solutions innovantes.

L'économie allemande est l'une des plus fortes du continent européen.
Les nombreux fournisseurs de composants et de systèmes utilisent l'IFAT et le lieu de la foire de Munich comme point de rencontre central.

Depuis quelques années déjà, l'IFAT développe son portefeuille dans le domaine du dessalement de l'eau de mer sur des marchés d'avenir comme l'Afrique, l'Inde et l'Asie occidentale. La coopération stratégique entre l'IFAT et le Desaliantion Institute est établie et importante depuis de nombreuses années. Avec le Desalination Forum, l'industrie et la recherche autour du dessalement de l'eau disposent d'un point de concentration pour des échanges ciblés. L'IFAT à Munich sur place permet aux exposants internationaux d'avoir accès à des fournisseurs, des fabricants et des marchés solides.


Coleta e tratamento abrangente de água, soluções para a indústria de alimentos e bebidas, extração de águas residuais e matérias-primas, análises e outras áreas de aplicação são temas centrais da indústria de dessalinização na Alemanha e em todo o mundo. IFAT 2022 acontecerá novamente de 30 de maio a 3 de junho de 2022, após uma pausa forçada. O Fórum de Dessalinização será realizado como parte da feira no dia 31 de maio das 14h00 às 15h00.

Espera-se que as novas soluções desenvolvidas durante a pausa compulsória dêem um impulso considerável ao desenvolvimento e soluções inovadoras para expositores e visitantes.

A economia da Alemanha é uma das mais fortes do continente europeu.
O grande número de fornecedores de componentes e sistemas utiliza o IFAT e o local em Messe München como um ponto de encontro central.

A IFAT vem expandindo seu portfólio no campo da dessalinização da água do mar em mercados futuros como a África, Índia e Ásia Ocidental há vários anos. A cooperação estratégica entre a IFAT e o Instituto Desaliantion foi estabelecida e importante por muitos anos. Com o Fórum de Dessalinização, a indústria e a pesquisa no campo da dessalinização da água têm um ponto focal para o intercâmbio direcionado. A IFAT em Munique dá aos expositores internacionais acesso a fornecedores, fabricantes e mercados fortes.


Комплексный сбор и очистка воды, решения для пищевой промышленности и производства напитков, сточные воды и добыча сырья, аналитика и другие области применения являются центральными темами индустрии опреснения в Германии и во всем мире. IFAT 2022 вновь пройдет с 30 мая по 3 июня 2022 года после вынужденного перерыва. В рамках выставки 31 мая с 14:00 до 15:00 пройдет Форум по опреснению.

Ожидается, что новые решения, разработанные во время обязательного перерыва, дадут значительный толчок развитию и инновационным решениям для участников и посетителей выставки.

Экономика Германии - одна из самых сильных на европейском континенте.
Большое количество поставщиков компонентов и систем используют IFAT и площадку в Messe München в качестве центрального места встречи.

В течение нескольких лет IFAT расширяет свое портфолио в области опреснения морской воды на перспективных рынках, таких как Африка, Индия и Западная Азия. Стратегическое сотрудничество между IFAT и Институтом десалиантирования было налажено и важно на протяжении многих лет. Благодаря Форуму по опреснению воды промышленность и научные исследования в области опреснения воды получили координационный центр для целенаправленного обмена мнениями. IFAT в Мюнхене предоставляет международным экспонентам доступ к сильным поставщикам, производителям и рынкам.

Im Rahmen ausgewählter Vorträge geben Experten einen Überblick über die gängigsten Meerwasserentsalzungsverfahren und ihre Anwendung und stellen Märkte und Potentiale, Umweltaspekte und Trends aus Forschung und Entwicklung vor. 

Für wen ist das Seminar geeignet?

Dieses Seminar richtet sich vor allem an Vertreter aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft, die sich sowohl technische als auch marktrelevante Grundlagen über diesen bedeutsamen Wirtschaftszweig aneignen möchten.

Digital - Seminar
Again in 2023 Desalination Institute DME repeats its seminar  Introduction to Water Desalination  Technology - Markets - Environment  as a Digital event.

This Seminar addresses mainly representatives of politics, business and science, who want to acquire elementary technical and economical information about this important and rapidly growing branch.
 In the framework of selected speeches internationally recognised experts will present an overview on the most relevant desalination technologies and their application. Furthermore they will present markets, potentials and trends in research and development.


ab 08:30                        Registration
09:00 - 09:15 (15 Min)   Welcome adress
09:15 - 10:15 (60 Min)   Markets
10:15  - 11:10 (55 Min)  Desalination Technology in Brief
11:10 - 11:25 (15 Min)   Coffee Break
11:25 - 13:00 (90 Min)   - Phase Stable Desalination Technology
                                     - Membranes (UF, NF, RO)
                                     - Ion exchange
13:00  - 14:00 (60 Min)  Lunch Break
14:00  - 15:30 (90 Min)  Phase changing desalination technology  MED - MEH - MD
15:30 - 16:15  (45 Min) Desalination Technology in practice
16:15 - 16:30 (15 Min)  Coffee Break
16:30 - 17:45  (45 Min) Cost Aspects
17:45 - 18:00 (45 Min)  Raw Materials and environment aspects

Im Rahmen ausgewählter Vorträge geben Experten einen Überblick über die gängigsten Meerwasserentsalzungsverfahren und ihre Anwendung und stellen Märkte und Potentiale, Umweltaspekte und Trends aus Forschung und Entwicklung vor. 

Für wen ist das Seminar geeignet?

Dieses Seminar richtet sich vor allem an Vertreter aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft, die sich sowohl technische als auch marktrelevante Grundlagen über diesen bedeutsamen Wirtschaftszweig aneignen möchten.

Egain in 2022 Desalination Institute DME repeats its seminar   Introduktion to Water Desalination
Technology - Markets - Environment  as a Digital event.

This Seminar addresses mainly representatives of politics, business and science, who want to acquire elementary technical and economical information about this important and rapidly growing branch.
 In the framework of selected speeches internationally recognised experts will present an overview on the most relevant desalination technologies and their application. Furthermore they will present markets, potentials and trends in research and development.

Digital Seminar:

- The live lectures with answering  your Questions about the lecture  and your projects!
-  The live lectures are recorded as a recording available six months after the seminar! 


ab 08:30                        Registration
09:00 - 09:15 (15 Min)   Welcome adress
09:15 - 10:15 (60 Min)   Markets
10:15  - 11:00 (45 Min)  Desalination Technology in brief
11:00 - 11:15 (15 Min)   Coffee Break
11:15 - 12:45 (90 Min)   - Phase Stable Desalination  Technology
                                     - Membranes (UF, NF, RO)
                                     - Ion exchange
12:45  - 13.:45 (60 Min) Lunch Break
13:45  - 15:15 (90 Min)  Phase changing desalination technology  MED - MEH - MD
15:15 - 16:00  (45 Min) Desalination Technology in practice
16:00 - 16:15 (15 Min)  Coffee Break
16:15 - 17:00  (45 Min) Cost Aspects
17:00 - 17:45 (45 Min)  Raw Materials and environment aspects

Engineering-Procurement-Construction (EPC) von Entsalzungsanlagen

Subject Description:


The energy consumption of desalination plants in general is very high and therefore energy is one of the biggest cost factor in desalination plants. How can such costs be reduced?

The key word is “Energy Recovery - Energy Saving”!

Energy Recovery is used in RO plants as well as in thermal plants. During the last years systems of energy recovery have been modernised. The latest developments include the use of new and alternative materials as well as new technologies of pumps, valves and steering components.

This seminar gives an overview about the today’s commercially available Energy Recovery Systems. The latest innovations will be presented, apt for various plant sizes.

Who should attend:

This seminar is primarily aimed at suppliers, consultants, engineers and investors. Also welcome are universities and staff of research centers and all those who want to acquire special know-how about high pressure pumps and Energy Recovery Systems.

Lecture 1: ERI, David Kim-Hak

Lecture 2: Danfoss, Storck Gunnar

Lecture 3: Salinnova, Alfredo Viera

Membrantechnik in Wasserwerken (05.05.2022)

Beschreibung des Themas:

Betreiber, Aufsichtsbehörden, Planungsbüros, Anlagenbauer und Forschungseinrichtungen im Umfeld von Wasserwerken

Motivation für die Veranstaltung:

Eine immer größer werdende Menge von analytisch nachweisbaren Stoffen werden im Rohwasser der Trinkwasserversorgung analysiert. Einfluß und Wirkung einiger dieser Stoffe sind noch unerforscht oder gänzlich unbekannt. Andere Stoffe sind als Störstoffe identifiziert und werden beobachtet oder teilweise bereits in der Trinkwasseraufbereitung abgeschieden. Die wachsende Zahl der verschiedenen technologischen Ansätze und Umsetzungsformen zeigt die aktuelle Bandbreite der Herangehensweisen und Lösungsansätzen. Ein vereinheitlichtes Vorgehensmodell ist noch nicht sichtbar, Falllösungen bestimmen die Landschaft.

Zielsetzung der Veranstaltung:

Die Vorstellung der aktuellen Vorgehensweisen und Konzepte als auch technischen Vorschläge und umgesetzten Lösungen werden den Teilnehmern einen aktuellen Überblick zum Stand der Forschung und Technik ermöglichen. Der Erfahrungsaustausch in Form von offenen Gesprächen und Diskussionen zu den aktuellen Fragestellungen ermöglicht es den Teilnehmern für Ihre Fragestellungen Beispiele und Lösungen näher zu betrachten und den fachlichen Austausch im Dialog zu führen.

Gewonnene Erkenntnisse aus durchgeführten Veranstaltungen:

Nach der erfolgreichen Durchführung unserer deutschlandweiten ersten Seminare in Kooperation mit dem DMGT und der Universität Duisburg Essen zu diesem Thema im Juni 2017 und 2019 wurden Grundlagenfragestellungen zu rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen zum Umgang mit Konzentratströmen in Wasserwerken formuliert und mündeten in Forschungsaufgaben. Der fachliche Austausch von Aufsichtsbehörden wurde initiiert und intensiviert.


Vortrag 1: H2U aqua.plan.Ing., Frank Urban

Vortrag 2: IWW, Anil Gaba

Vortrag 3: NX Filtration, Erik Roessink

Vortrag 4: OOWV, Kerstin Krömer

Target group of the event:

Operators, supervisory authorities, planning offices, plant constructors and research institutions in the field of raw material extraction and the environment.

Motivation for the event:

An ever increasing demand for raw materials, both salts, minerals and carbon are present in the direct or indirect environment of desalination plants. The exclusive extraction of drinking water from brackish water and seawater is increasingly being combined with the extraction of raw materials, also in view of the efficiency of these plants. The growing number of different technological approaches and forms of implementation shows the current range of approaches and solutions. A unified predictive model is not yet visible, case solutions determine the landscape internationally.

Objective of the event:

The presentation of current approaches and concepts as well as technical proposals and implemented solutions will provide participants with an up-to-date overview of the state of research and technology. The exchange of experience in the form of open talks and discussions on current issues will enable participants to take a closer look at examples and solutions for their questions and to conduct the technical exchange in dialogue.

Lessons learned from events held:

After the successful implementation of our first nationwide seminars on this topic in June 2017 and 2019, basic questions on the legal framework for dealing with concentrate flows in waterworks were formulated and resulted in research tasks. The professional exchange of supervisory authorities was initiated and intensified.

Lecture 1: Material recovery from spent spiral wound modules. (MemRe, Claus Mertes)

Lecture 2: Pharmaceutical salt extraction from standard seawater desalination plants (K-UTECH, Florian Huber)

Lecture 3: comes

The transformation of energy supply from carbon to alternative forms of energy entails many innovations. The goal itself is beyond question, but the way to get there raises many questions.

The production of hydrogen starts with energy and water, and the demands on this water are high. The provision of this basic material from saline water expands the places of use and makes the places of application more flexible.

The choice of the appropriate desalination technology is determined by the required purity, the variability of the raw water source as well as the adaptability of the required quantity.

Other factors are the available energy source and the flexibility from standstill, stand-by to full-load operation. Each technology has its own practical, operational and theoretical limitations. This also applies to the desalination of water in connection with hydrogen production.

In the context of the lectures, this area of tension will be illuminated and possible solution variants from the point of view of both the hydrogen industry and the desalination industry will be shown.

Desalination Institute DME  bietet  das  Seminar  „Einführung in die Meerwasserentsalzung,  Technik - Märkte - Umwelt“  als Digital - Veranstaltung an.
Im Rahmen ausgewählter Vorträge geben Experten einen Überblick über die gängigsten Meerwasserentsalzungsverfahren und ihre Anwendung und stellen Märkte und Potentiale, Umweltaspekte und Trends aus Forschung und Entwicklung vor.  
Für wen ist das Seminar geeignet?
Dieses Seminar richtet sich vor allem an Vertreter aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft, die sich sowohl technische als auch marktrelevante Grundlagen über diesen bedeutsamen Wirtschaftszweig aneignen möchten.

Das Programm:

ab 08:30                               Registrierung
09:00 - 09:15 (15 Min)          Begrüßung
09:15 - 10:15 (60 Min)          Märkte
10:15  - 11:10 (55 Min)         Entsalzungsverfahren im  Überblick
11:10 - 11:25 (15 Min)           Kaffeepause
11:25 - 13:00 (95 Min)           Phasenstabile Entsalzung:
                                             Membrantechnik (UO, NF, UF)
                                             & Ionentauscher
13:00  - 14.:00 (60 Min)        Mittagspause
14:00  - 15:30 (90 Min)         Phasenwechselnde Entsalzung
                                             MED - MEH - MD
15:30 - 16:15  (45 Min)         Entsalzungssysteme aus der Praxis
16:15 - 16:30 (15 Min)          Kaffeepause
16:30 - 17:45  (45 Min)         Kosten
17:45 - 18:00 (45 Min)          Rohstoffe / Umweltaspekte

From 2021 Desalination Institute DME  offers the  Seminar
„Introduction to Water Desalination, Technology - Markets - Environment“
as a  Hybrid - Seminar (Online+Offline).

In the framework of selected speeches internationally recognised experts will present an overview on the most relevant desalination technologies and their application. Furthermore they will present markets, potentials and trends in research and development. 

Who is the seminar suitable for?
This Seminar addresses mainly representatives of politics, business and science, who want to acquire elementary technical and economical information about this important and rapidly growing branch.


From 2021 Desalination Institute DME   offers the Seminar
„Water Intake Technology -  Systems / Solutions / Components“
as a Online - Seminar

Water In-take Technology is a fundamental part of every desalination and water plant. The objective of this Seminar is to provide an overview of technology available, potential impingement and entrainment impacts associated with the operation of Intakes at desalination facilities.

This time Desalination Institute partner and sponsor of the seminar is the Aqseptence Group GmbH.

Experts present different options for In-Takes technology and components and show how to avoid most of the problems of desalination plants regarding the specific advantages of each type.
At the end of the presentations the speakers will answer your questions and discuss with you.

This seminar is primarily aimed at representatives of companies and universities as well as representatives of research and those who want to acquire this special know-how.

Online-Seminar Venue. Self registration open now here. Registration also available via email ( and Fax +49 203 306 4257.

Desalination Institute DME  bietet  das  Seminar  „Einführung in die Meerwasserentsalzung,  Technik - Märkte - Umwelt“  als Digital - Veranstaltung an.

Im Rahmen ausgewählter Vorträge geben Experten einen Überblick über die gängigsten Meerwasserentsalzungsverfahren und ihre Anwendung und stellen Märkte und Potentiale, Umweltaspekte und Trends aus Forschung und Entwicklung vor.

Für wen ist das Seminar geeignet?
Dieses Seminar richtet sich vor allem an Vertreter aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft, die sich sowohl technische als auch marktrelevante Grundlagen über diesen bedeutsamen Wirtschaftszweig aneignen möchten.

Digital  Seminar:

- Die Live – Vorträge mit der  Beantwortung Ihrer Fragen  zum Vortrag und Ihren  Projekten!

- Die Live – Vorträge als Aufzeichnung stehen ein halbes Jahr nach dem Seminar zur Verfügung!


ab 08:30                               Registrierung
09:00 - 09:15 (15 Min)          Begrüßung
09:15 - 10:15 (60 Min)          Märkte
10:15  - 11:00 (45 Min)         Entsalzungsverfahren im Überblick
11:00 - 11:15 (15 Min)           Kaffeepause
11:15 - 12:45 (90 Min)        - Phasenstabile Entsalzung
                                           - Membrantechnik (UF, NF, RO)
                                           - Ionentauscher
12:45  - 13.:45 (60 Min)        Mittagspause
13:45  - 15:15 (90 Min)         Phasenwechselnde Entsalzung
                                             MED - MEH - MD
15:15 - 16:00  (45 Min)         Entsalzungssysteme aus der Praxis
16:00 - 16:15 (15 Min)          Kaffeepause
16:15 - 17:00  (45 Min)         Kosten
17:00 - 17:45 (45 Min)          Rohstoffe / Umweltaspekte

Teilnahmegebühr inkl. MwSt :

Ab 2020 bietet  das Desalination Institute DME  das  Seminar

„Einführung in die Meerwasserentsalzung, Technik - Märkte - Umwelt“
als Hybrid - Veranstaltung (Online+Offline) an.

Im Rahmen ausgewählter Vorträge geben Experten einen Überblick über die gängigsten Meerwasserentsalzungsverfahren und ihre Anwendung und stellen Märkte und Potentiale, Umweltaspekte und Trends aus Forschung und Entwicklung vor.  

Für wen ist das Seminar geeignet?
Dieses Seminar richtet sich vor allem an Vertreter aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft, die sich sowohl technische als auch marktrelevante Grundlagen über diesen bedeutsamen Wirtschaftszweig aneignen möchten.


Introduction to Water Desalination, Technology-Markets-Environment

This Seminar addresses mainly representatives of politics, business and science, who want to acquire elementary technical and economical information about this important and rapidly growing branch.

In the framework of selected speeches international-ly recognised experts will present an overview on the most relevant desalination technologies and their application. Furthermore they will present markets, potentials and trends in research and development

DME Seminar: "Einführung in die Meerwasserentsalzung, Technik-Märkte-Umwelt"

Im Rahmen ausgewählter Vorträge geben Experten einen Überblick über die gängigsten Meerwasserentsalzungsverfahren und ihre Anwendung und stellen Märkte und Potentiale, Umweltaspekte und Trends aus Forschung und Entwicklung vor.

Introduction to Water Desalination, Technology-Markets-Environment

This Seminar addresses mainly representatives of politics, business and science, who want to acquire elementary technical and economical information about this important and rapidly growing branch.

In the framework of selected speeches internationally recognised experts will present an overview on the most relevant desalination technologies and their application. Furthermore they will present markets, potentials and trends in research and development.

Eine immer größer werdende Menge von analytisch nachweisbaren Stoffen werden im Rohwasser der Trinkwasserversorgung analysiert. Einfluß und Wirkung einiger dieser Stoffe sind noch unerforscht oder gänzlich unbekannt. Andere Stoffe sind als Störstoffe identifiziert und werden beobachtet oder teilweise bereits in der Trinkwasseraufbereitung abgeschieden.

Die wachsende Zahl der verschiedenen technologischen Ansätze und Umsetzungsformen zeigt die aktuelle Bandbreite der Herangehensweisen und Lösungsansätzen. Ein vereinheitlichtes Vorgehensmodell ist noch nicht sichtbar, Falllösungen bestimmen die Landschaft.

Im Rahmen dieser Veranstaltung wird der aktuelle Stand der Vorgehensweisen und Konzepte als auch technischen Vorschläge und umgesetzten Lösungen den Teilnehmern einen aktuellen Überblick zum Stand der Forschung und Technik ermöglichen. Der Erfahrungsaustausch in Form von offenen Gesprächen und Diskussionen zu den aktuellen Fragestellungen ermöglicht es den Teilnehmern für Ihre Fragestellungen Beispiele und Lösungen näher zu betrachten und den fachlichen Austausch im Dialog zu führen.:

Nach der erfolgreichen Durchführung unseres deutschlandweiten ersten Seminares in Kooperation mit dem DMGT und der Universität Duisburg Essen zu diesem Thema im Juni 2017 wurden Grundlagenfragestellungen zu rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen zum Umgang mit Konzentratströmen in Wasserwerken formuliert und mündeten in Forschungsaufgaben. Der fachliche Austausch von Aufsichtsbehörden wurde initiiert und intensiviert.

Wir freuen uns in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der DGMT, Universität Duisburg Essen und weiteren Organisationen gemeinsam diesen Termin zum Gedankenaustausch anbieten zu können.

Einfuhrung in die Wasserentsalzung, Technik-Märkte-Umwelt

Im Rahmen ausgewählter Vorträge geben Experten einen Überblick über die gängigsten Meerwasserentsalzungsverfahren und ihre Anwendung und stellen Märkte und Potentiale, Umweltaspekte und Trends aus Forschund und Entwicklung vor.

Introduction to Water Desalination: Technology-Markets, Environment

This Seminar addresses mainly representatives of politics, business and science, who want to acquire elementary technical and economical information about this important and rapidly growing branch.

In the framework of selected speeches international-ly recognised experts will present an overview on the most relevant desalination technologies and their application. Furthermore they will present markets, potentials and trends in research and development.

This Seminar will highlight the global actual situ-ation reviewing all existing desalination plants driven by nuclear power, point out necessities to ensure all safety aspects, show the latest developments of both fields of interest applica-ble for best solutions. At the end of the presen-tations the speakers will answer all your ques-tions and discuss with you.

Desalination driven by nuclear power is an op-tion to separate salty water into fresh water and brine. Nuclear power can provide tempera-tures and heat in a reasonable range for thermal processes and electricity for membrane pro-cesses. So called either process integrated (thermal) and project integrated (electricity) co-generation plants.

Desalination powered by solar energy is the oldest method nature does practice at all. But their are a lot of other possi-bilities to desalinate water with renew-able energies.

In this Seminar state of the Art devel-opments in renewable powered Desali-nation will be demonstrated. Partici-pants will have the chance to get an outlook into the existing and upcoming developments.

Desalination with small and mobile systems

Having water on time in place is a challenge. Building pipe lines is a limited option, depending on the distance water needs to be transported. Also having a plant not being operated due to sufficient rain fall looks like an investment not being in use.

All this gives mobile desalination plants an option to fill this gaps. And today amobile desalination plant can be in a pocket of a trouser producing less than 1 litre in an hours time up tp a desalination Tanker providing 70.000 m³/d.

Small desalination plants are today the majority of all installations found all around the world. Looking into the compo-nents used they have to be very robust and repayable at a reasonable price.

Membrane development is going very fast. New materials are developed, new composites are introduced, new concepts are published.

This Seminar will give the overview of what is coming next in RO Membrane development and sales to get the participants up to speed in one go.

Since the first RO plant has been erected the development of membranes has continuously proceeded further. The quality of membranes has been improved and the membrane technol-ogy diversified. Nowadays RO Membranes are pushed to the limits and new material and manufacturing developments opening and ab-sorbing old and new markets. At the end of the presentations the speakers will answer all your questions and discuss with you.

The Seminar gives a compact vendors overview about the existing membranes for mem-brane plants and the different fields of applica-tion in Europe and the Arabian countries. Latest R&D developments will be presented. In 2018 this is the first advanced seminar. This time our partner and sponsor of the seminar is Lanxess.

This seminar is primarily aimed at representa-tives of companies and universities as well as representatives of research and those who want to acquire this special know-how.

Einführung in die Wasserentsalzung, Technik - Märkte-Umwelt

Im Rahmen ausgewählter Vorträge geben Experten einen Überblick über die gängigs-ten Wasserentsalzungsverfahren und ihre Anwendung und stellen Märkte und Poten-tiale, Umweltaspekte und Trends aus For-schung und Entwicklung vor.

Introduction to Water Desalination: Technology-Märkte-Environment

This Seminar addresses mainly representatives of politics, business and science, who want to acquire elementary technical and economical information about this important and rapidly growing branch.

In the framework of selected speeches internationally recognised experts will present an overview on the most relevant desalination technologies and their application. Furthermore they will present markets, potentials and trends in research and development.

Einführung in die Wasserentsalzung: Technik-Märkte-Umwelt

Im Rahmen ausgewählter Vorträge geben Experten einen Überblick über die gängigsten Wasserentsalzungsverfahren und ihre Anwendung und stellen Märkte und Potentiale, Umweltaspekte und Trends aus Forschung und Entwicklung vor.


Teilentsalzung mit Membrantechnik im Wasserwerk - wie können Nitrate, Chloride und Mikroschadstoffe zurückgehalten werden?

Im Rahmen ausgewählter Vorträge geben Experten aus der Praxis einen Einblick in den Alltag von der Planung über den Be-trieb bis hin zur Überwachung.

Water In-take Technology is a fundamental part of every desalination and water plant. The objective of this Seminar is to provide an overview of technology available, potential impingement and entrainment impacts associated with the operation of In-Takes desalinationfacilties.

Im 2017 this is the forth advanced seminar. This time DME partner and sponsor of the seminar is Aqseptence Group GmbH.

Experts present different options for In-Takes technology and components and show how to avoid most of the problems of desalination plants regarding the specific advantages of each type. At the end of the presentations the speakers will answer all your questions and discuss with you.

This seminar is primarily aimed at representatives of companies and universities as well as representatives of research and those who want to acquire this special know-how.

Einführung in die Wasserentsalzung: Technik - Märkte - Umwelt

Im Rahmen ausgewählter Vorträge geben Experten einen Überblick über die gängigsten Wasserentsalzungsverfahren und ihre Anwendung und stellen Märkte und Potentiale, Umweltaspekte und Trends aus Forschung und Entwicklung vor.

Einfuhrung in die Wasserentsalzung:Technik-Märkte-Umwelt

Im Rahmen ausgewählter Vorträge geben Experten einen Überblick über die gängigsten Wasserentsalzungsverfahren und ihre Anwendung und stellen Märkte und Potentiale, Umweltaspekte und Trends aus Forschung und Entwicklung vor.


Introduction to Water Desalination: Technology- Markets - Environment

This Seminar addresses mainly representatives of politics, business and science, who want to acquire elementary technical and economical information about this important and rapidly growing branch.

In the framework of selected speeches internationally recognised experts will present an overview on the most
relevant desalination technologies and their application. Furthermore they will present markets, potentials and trends in research and development

 Einführung in die WasserEntsalzung: Technik - Märkte - Umwelt

  Im Rahmen ausgewählter Vorträge geben Experten einen Überblick über die gängigsten Wasserentsalzungverfahren und ihre Anwendung und stellen Märkte und Potetiale, Umweltaspekte und Trends aus Forschung und Entwicklung vor.






Future Desalination Technologies

Everybody is familiar with MSF, MED, RO, NF, UF. Some might have been in contact with MD and FO. But who knows how this works and who knows what comes next after MD and FO. DME has based on its know-how of desalination technology gath-ered a group of new and interesting tech-nologies being presented by inventors, own-ers of patents and researchers showing where we will go in desalination in the fu-ture. As we all know new and good ideas in desalination are getting more and more needed DME is very proud having gathered this group of people coming and showing a very new way of thinking how to desalinate brackish and seawater in the future. In order to set your expectations you should NOT think of this event to be a shopping area for your company but an illustration of what comes up next; but you may find interesting contacts and people you may stay in contact with in the future.

Membrane distillation (MD) is an emerging technology which attracted a lot of interest in the last years but did not commercialise on large scale until today. A significant increase of research activities is visible due to rising number of publications and conference shares and a few companies already focus their business on this technology. A number of pilot units are already in field operation.

The intention of the seminar is to provide a compre-hensive overview on MD from theoretical background to practical applications and to bring together re-searchers, MD system and component producers and companies who are potential applicants for MD tech-nology.

The seminar will provide details on the physics behind MD and show the advantages and limitations of the process. Possibilities for process optimization will be shown as well as the impact of membrane parameters. Practical results from the lab and from the field will be provided and potential applications for industrial use of MD will be discussed.

Membranes in Water Processing incl. Zero Liquid Discharge

Since the first RO plant has been erected the development of membranes has continuously proceeded further. The quality of membranes has been improved and the membrane technology diversified. Nowadays Micro-, Nano-, Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis are as common and Mem-brane Distillation is on its way to fill the gab of thermal and membrane processes.

Material flow treatment and the production of raw material out of sea- or brackish water can be implemented by means of membranes as well as by ZLD.

During the desalination process, seawater will be concentrated as long as there is salty mud left only. Briefly speaking: ZLD helps to protect the environment and to save resources and costs. And beside of this crude materials may be pro-duced!

Since many years mankind is facing the problem of water scarcity all over the world. Since many years the industry is looking for appropriate solutions.

Appropriate solution means a tailor-made solution for a particular situation. Desalination markets exist in many regions of the world: the Middle East, Africa, the Caribbean and even Europe people in these countries and on these continents are suffering from water scarcity. But even if these areas face the same problem, the conditions are always different. The infrastructural as well as environmental conditions change from country to country. For this reason it is important to know the various local conditions in order to offer the right technical solution.

In the frame of the Saudi Water and Power Forum (SWPF) which will take place from December 1st to 3rd, 2013 in the Hotel Hilton in Jeddah DME becomes an official content partner and "Key Solutions for Key in Markets" in Jeddah.

Experts of the desalination industry give an overview about the different desalination markets. They talk about their experiences in the Middle East and Africa, about parameters like energy supply, costs and environmental conditions etc. which have to be taken into consideration in order clients demands.

During the last years the combination of desali-nation and renewable energies became more and more important. Various systems have been de-veloped and are in duty nowadays.

Such systems show their advantage in saving transport and distribution networks especially in decentralized implementations.

Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) – save Environment and produce crude Materials! ZLD is a more and more important key word in desalination and a new means to help not only to save resources but to produce and to recover crude materials.How does it work? By applying the ZLD process the huge quantity of fresh water needed in desali-nation plants will be reduced and proportionally will be the brine. During the desalination pro-cess, seawater will be concentrated as long as there is salty mud left only.Briefly speaking: ZLD helps to protect the environment and to save resources and costs and beside this crude mate-rials may be produced!This seminar conveys basic know-how in physics and its limitations with regard to ZLD. It shows the concept of ZLD, the already existing state-of-the-art technology as well as research programs, supported by experience reports of renowned companies.

The energy consumption of desalination plants   in general is very high and therefore energy is one of the biggest cost factor in desalination plants. How can such costs be reduced?

The key word is “Energy Recovery - Energy Saving”!    

Energy Recovery is used in RO plants as well as in thermal plants.  During the last years systems of energy recovery have been modernised. The latest developments include the use of new and alternative materials as well as new technologies of pumps, valves and steering components.

This seminar gives an overview about the today’s commercially available Energy Recovery Systems. The latest innovations will be presented, apt for various plant sizes.


Since the first RO plant has been erected the development of membranes has continuously proceeded further. The quality of membranes has been improved and the membrane technology diversified. Nowadays Micro-, Nano-, Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis are as common and Mem-brane Distillation is on its way to fill the gab of thermal and membrane processes.
Material flow treatment and the production of raw material out of sea- or brackish water can be implemented by means of membranes.
The DME Seminar S-005-2013 Membranes used in Desalination Plants gives a compact vendor’s over-view about the existing membranes for mem-brane plants as well as about membrane distilla-tion and the different fields of application in Eu-rope and the Arabian countries. Latest R&D de-velopments will be presented.

Designing a desalination plant is a tough chal-lenge and requires technical knowledge and know-how. In order to reduce cost it is im-portant to know the conception of causal rela-tion between the right pre- and post-treatment of water, the implementation of intake systems and pumps and the required result which means potable water.

This seminar gives you a guideline of how to start your conception of a desalination plant. It leads you along the water flow through the plant and shows the right steps of treating water.

Im Rahmen ausgewählter Vorträge geben Experten einen Überblick über die gängigsten Meerwasserentsalzungsverfahren und ihre Anwendung und stellen Märkte und Potentiale, Umweltaspekte und Trends aus Forschung und Entwicklung vor.


Desalination Plants with a capacity of 100.000 m³/day provide the population with drinking wa-ter via central networks. Plants with capacities of some 100 litres to some 500 m³/day secure the supply at decentralized sites without being con-nected to public supply mains. Many hotels and also local industry are heavily based on such sys-tems. The seminar is concentrated on decentral-ized and stand-alone desalination systems. The simple and robust handling of such plants will be the key subject. Most often energy consumption of small systems is not monitored. The seminar will have a close look at this area. Availability is the key in this business. Ordering tankers with water is always an expensive and unexpected situation. The seminar also points out how the independent energy supply of these systems se-cure the long-term water supply at decentralized sites, stressing the importance of such small plants.

The Workshop will feature 4 days of full class lectures,   discussions, calculations case studies and a field trip. After a successful exam DME will hand over its certificate to the student. The workshop will be held in English language by renowned experts who will report on achievements, latest developments and solutions in the field of modern membrane water desalination.

Lectures will cover:

Fundamentals of Water Chemistry I&II, Analytical Methods with respect to Membrane Processes, Basic Principles of Pressure Driven Membrane Processes, Membrane Manufacturing and Characterization

Membrane System Concepts, Membrane Fouling and Scaling, Cleaning Concepts, Pre-Treatment and Process Combination Options, Post-Treatment and Concentrate Treatment Options

Integrity Monitoring, Membrane Manufacturer, Engineering Companies and Worldwide Development, Membrane Process Applications and Practical Experiences, Alternative Concept: Membrane Distillation, Exercise I&II: Cost Evaluation for UF/MF and RO, Computer Aided Plant Design

Case Studies including: Ultra filtration Case Study, Reverse Osmosis Case Study and a Technical Visit




The workshop will start with basics of saline wa-ter chemistry and thermal processes. Then the major desalination processes multi-stage flash evaporation (MSF), multiple-effect distillation (MED), thermal vapour compression (TVC) and mechanical vapour compression (MVC) will be described including system design, main compo-nents, instrumentation and control. Aspects of fouling, scaling, feed water pre-treatment as well as distillate post-treatment will be illustrated. The important topic of material selection will be discussed. Co-generation of power and water and hybrid systems as well as main aspects of desalination economics will be presented. The workshop will also cover environmental aspects of desalination and future developments. Theo-retical descriptions will be accompanied with case studies.

The workshop will start with basics of saline wa-ter chemistry and thermal processes. Then the major desalination processes multi-stage flash evaporation (MSF), multiple-effect distillation (MED), thermal vapour compression (TVC) and mechanical vapour compression (MVC) will be described including system design, main compo-nents, instrumentation and control. Aspects of fouling, scaling, feed water pre-treatment as well as distillate post-treatment will be illustrated. The important topic of material selection will be discussed. Co-generation of power and water and hybrid systems as well as main aspects of desalination economics will be presented. The workshop will also cover environmental aspects of desalination and future developments. Theo-retical descriptions will be accompanied with case studies.

DME (German Desalination Society) has the pleasure to offer its workshop called: Thermal Desalination of Saline Waters. The workshop will feature 4 days of lectures and discussions providing a theoretical basis and practical information on the main aspects of thermal desalination based on independent knowledge. The workshop will be held in English by international renowned experts, among them is Dr. Heike Glade.

The workshop will start with basics of saline water chemistry and thermal processes. Then the major desalination processes multi-stage flash evaporation (MSF), multiple-effect distillation (MED), thermal vapour compression (TVC) and mechanical vapour compression (MVC) will be described including system design, main components, instrumentation and control. Aspects of fouling, scaling, feed water pre-treatment as well as distillate post-treatment will be illustrated. The important topic of material selection will be discussed. Co-generation of power and water and hybrid systems as well as main aspects of desalination economics will be presented. The workshop will also cover environmental aspects of desalination and future developments. Theoretical descriptions will be accompanied with case studies

The desalination of liquids and the use of solids from these processes is developing very quickly. Driven by environmental issues and raw material markets, an ever faster growing market has been developing for a decade. More than 50 known technologies compete for your shares worldwide. DESALFACTS accompanies these developments from the first scientific reports on the patents to the investment. The latest information is updated hourly by the news service, assigned to the subject catalogs and linked to and displayed in all areas.

The available modules will be presented to you during the event. You will get to know the deep networking of data and the security systems implemented in DESALFACTS. As part of a live access, you can test the system yourself.

IFAT Africa is one of the leading environmental technology trade fairs in Subsaharan Africa and, like the entire IFAT family, is dedicated to the areas of water, sewage, waste and recycling.